Travel Greetings: Twin Peaks
"U got cash app?" ~ Laura Palmer
Obligatory dork-out session in Twede's Cafe, known in slicker dimensions as the Double-R Diner, where Bobby Briggs did all his bitcoin trading and Audrey Horne learned how to Whip/Nae Nae — and, yeah, notable prom queen–cum–snow bird Laura Palmer famously wrapped her Tesla around a Jimmy John's billboard, thus prematurely merging with the infinite.
(More/less, innit?)
Also seen here: the bridge Ronette Pulaski zombied her way across after getting thwacked in the dome by Leland/Bob and the motel where Theresa Banks stacked up bad decisions like Jenga planks 🏔️🏔️
North Bend/Snoqualmie, WA. circa Nov. ‘23